Reservation Calendar

You can use the Calendar below to view current reservations for our facilities. CH is the Club House and LH is the Lake House.

A group is a single gathering of 10 or more persons.  All groups must register at least one (1) week prior to the gathering so the Board and the Caretaker can prepare facilities and provide adequate security and lifeguards.  Registrations may not be made for the year until January 1st of that year, at which point they can be made on a first-come, first-serve basis.  

In order to reserve the Club House, Pavilion, or Lake House email the Groups Committee Chairperson : Sue Sowa Cell 

 or email -  You can also download the Form Required to rent the facility by clicking this link and including it in your email. Click Here

You will receive a call text or email back to confirm that the date and time are set.

Building Rental Fees during Swimming Season

(Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend):

*Lake House may be rented on the Fourth of July for a $175 rental fee.  The standard reservation fee and guest fees apply. 



Building Rental Fees during Non-Swimming Season


** The reservation fee is non-refundable and is in addition to the rental fee. Guests over the age of 60 or under the age of 3 are free.   

The application and reservation fee must be received at least one week prior to your gathering. On the day before your event you must stop at the Welcome Center and drop off your alphabetized guest list to the guard on duty. Then the evening of your event you need to stop at the Welcome Center prior to 9:00 pm to remit your payment of all guest fees, along with any added on services or charges.  If you do not balance out with the Welcome Center at the end of the evening and we have to contact you, there will be a $20 penalty added to your balance.  Please mail your application and reservation fee to Treasurer, 600 Country Club Lane, Salem OH 44460.

Please include the names of those guests who are members in the application to provide a total count, even though there will be no fees for these individuals.  If you do not know if your guests are Club members, you can request a list from Shelly Thomas.  As guests check in at the Welcome Center, the guards will record the exact number that arrived.  You will not be billed for non-member guests on your list that did not arrive.   

Along with the guest list, you need to note any requests, such as extra picnic tables around the Clubhouse, a fire in the fireplace, etc.  The Club House currently has 8 tables and 64 chairs available.  The Lake House has 8 tables and 16 Chairs.  Tables and chairs cannot be taken from one building to another, but you are welcome to bring additional tables and chairs as required.  You are responsible for setting up and taking down the tables and chairs.  If you need more than that you will need to provide them. 

1. The Club House and Lake House have tables and chairs, a dedicated refrigerator, sink with running water, microwave, counter space and outlets for crock pots.  The Club House has a stove with oven, fireplace, and restrooms. We do not provide table service or linens. Anything beyond that is your responsibility.  We can provide additional items at the request of our guests for a nominal fee.  Some fees will be determined at the start of the new year, communicated via the web site, Facebook, bulletin boards, newsletter and other methods of communication. 

The kitchen is open to all club members regardless of who has the Club House reserved. The refrigerator inside the kitchen of the Club House is open for use by any and all other members at any time.  Please be considerate with the amount of space you utilize in the fridge. The refrigerator located in the main part of the Club House is for use only by the member who currently has it reserved.


1) All Club rules apply.

2) All persons on your list must register at the Welcome Center.

3) All facilities must be left clean.  Please sweep the floors and return tables to their original locations.  Place trash in trash cans.  If it is late, please place trash bags in women’s restroom at the end of the night and close the door to prevent raccoons from getting into them. 

4) Please do not bring any picnic tables onto the porch or in any of the buildings.

5) Adequate adult supervision must be present for children and teen groups.

6) Admission will be denied to any group that does not comply with these rules.


To make reservations please email: Sue Sowa - Mail a non-refundable reservation fee to The Salem Country Club - P.O. Box 994, Salem OH. One week prior to your event you must send in an alphabetized guest list & a check for your guest fees at $5 per non-member (over 60 and under 3 Free) Please put everyone on your guest list even if they are members.