Join The Board
Board Responsibilities
Each member of the board is expected to attend all board meetings. Meetings are held every month on the second Monday starting at 6:30 pm. All committees are to have one meeting per month and have a report on the committee for the board at each board meeting. Committees should be no less than one board member and 2 active members in good standing. A back-up board member will be assigned to each committee to help and manage the committee. The board is voted on every year and the annual meeting held in November. Each Board Member serves a three year term and can only hold a position on the board for two consecutive terms
- The President shall preside at all meetings and perform duties that are required of the office. The President has veto power and may cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. Meet with committees on a regular basis.
- Keep up to date with all club matters.
- Preside over board and annual meeting(s).
Vice President:
- The Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or disability. In the event both the President and Vice-President are absent or unable to perform their duties, the members of the Board may appoint a President Pro-Tem.
- Shall head the Disciplinary Committee and serve on finance committee.
- The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all monies and shall disburse under the direction of the Board. Proper vouchers shall be taken for such disbursements. It shall be his/her duty to keep an account of the finances of the Club on the books, and these books shall be open for inspection and examination by Board at any and all reasonable times. He/she shall perform all such duties as may be required of him/her by the President or the Board.
- Treasurer will head the Finance Committee and work with club accountant as required.
- The Secretary shall perform all duties that are required of the office, including but not limited to:
Maintain and preserve all historical records of the club
Record minutes at monthly board, special, and/or annual meetings
Help prepare and mail monthly newsletters
Update bulletin boards, website and social media sites, Face Book etc.
Track and note any electronic/phone voting in the official records (month in which is occurred)
Check voice mail messages and funnel to correct committee
Send out new member packets as requested
The committees are as follows:
- Interview and hire life guards for the current swim season
- Schedule hours of the life guards
- Maintain training requirements for all Lifeguard personnel
- Work with Lakes Swims and grounds Chairperson
- Stay within budget set forth for each year
- Attend to guests’ concerns in a positive manner
- Keep up the swimming area’s appearance
- Keep close eye on weather concerns to send life guards home or for safety reasons
- Have programs in place to promote swimming activities for members
Lakes Swims and Grounds:
- Create a proposed list of items for the current year and future to achieve
- Prioritize list of items from highest to lowest and most expensive to get done and a timeframe to get done
- Set up and organize work weekends for membership to prepare grounds for an event or get projects completed
- Work directly with the caretaker to get projects done and ensure day to day operations are getting accomplished in a timely manner
- Work with the life guard chairperson to help with the swim lake and to keep communication open with life guards
- Prepare an opening day plan and a close to the season plan
- Organize, recruit members to help with projects around the club
- Stay within proposed budget set forth for the year
- Get quotes; deal with vendors that concern the club supplies, chemicals, buildings and general upkeep
- Hire a seasonal helper for the caretaker if and when needed
- Solicit members for needs list, equipment, supplies, labor etc.
- Conduct a bi-yearly review with caretaker and discipline committee
Concession Stand:
- Hire a manager or supervisor.
- Manage inventory and money coming in and out of the concession stand.
- Be in communication with Treasurer and security guards.
- Have controls in place for proper management.
- Keep track of income and expenses.
Public Relations / Membership:
- Help maintain website with secretary and keep it up to date as needed.
- Advertise club thru print, online, promotion material, and other resources.
- Promote club events and promote club thru community events (parade etc.).
- Create and distribute a monthly newsletter.
- Place articles in local papers as needed concerning events that have taken place or upcoming events.
- Recruit membership and a solid relationship with community.
- Help retain current members and recruit new families.
- Made up of the President, V.P, treasurer, a board member and a member.
- Review budgets
- Control and maintain responsible money management system for the club
- Provide assistance to the Audit committee and help maintain cash flow.
Membership activities:
- Create and institute a monthly event calendar for club.
- Each board member will be in charge of leading an event for at least one month of the year.
- Have a year-long schedule of events for membership (same as 1st bullet).
- Solicit membership for ideas and/or volunteers to help with events.
- Organize club rentals.
- Keep record of all club rentals and details of transactions.
- Keep a constant communication with caretaker, security guards and treasurer concerning rentals, fees and special requests.
- Members may start to rent buildings at 12:01am of the current year for the current year.
- Manage rental reservations and field questions about club rental.
Disciplinary /Legal:
- Any membership concerns brought to the attention of the board dealing with rules, by-laws, or legal matters
Patrol Services
- Hire a head security guard.
- Assist in the hiring process of guards for the current season.
- Coach guards to follow rules and regulations set forth by board and membership.
- Refer cases to disciplinary committee as needed.
- Collect guest and party fees, as required.